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Kingswinford Academy, Water Street, Dudley, West Midlands, DY6 7AD
Part of Windsor Academy Trust
careers advice and guidance at kingswinford academy

Careers Advice and Guidance

We are committed to following the government’s Careers Strategy (published January 2018) and aim to meet the 8 Gatsby Benchmarks.

At Kingswinford Academy, we encourage all students in every year group to consider their career aspirations. Every year group follows a careers education program which is highlighted below, aiming to raise aspirations and provide students with a better understanding of the pathways needed to take in order to achieve their goals. Throughout the year speakers from different organisations will come in to provide the students with inspiration and advice. 

Our Careers Lead is Assistant Headteacher, Mr Dimmock, who can be contacted on 01384 296596 or

The information published is reviewed at the start of each academic year and reflected upon to ensure effectiveness.

Key Dates

  • Careers evening :9th October 2024 - 4.30pm-6.30pm
  • Work Experience : 14th -18th July 2024
  • Year 11 Mocks begin : 25th November 2024


This is an opportunity available in each year group and will allow the students dig deeper into their chosen subject and become an expert in their field - enabling them to assist and support others interested in careers in their field.

Interested? Please email


Want to get involved?

We are always on the look out for employers to inspire and nurture our students.

Please email us if you are interested.


Gatsby Benchmarks

The eight Gatsby benchmarks of good career guidance are:

  1. A stable careers programme
  2. Learning from career and labour market information
  3. Addressing the needs of each pupil
  4. Linking curriculum learning to careers
  5. Encounters with employers and employees
  6. Experiences of workplaces
  7. Encounters with further and higher education
  8. Personal guidance

There is a notice board for any relevant careers Information that students are encouraged to look at regularly. College open day dates and deadlines for applications are displayed here. There is also college and university information, prospectuses and applications in the Careers Base.

At key milestones throughout the students’ education, the CEIA&G department will provide support, advice and guidance to ensure realistic and informed decisions are made. We cover everything from GCSE/vocational options, work experience placements and apprenticeship choices.

It is our aim to help and guide every child in the direction of their choice and assist them in getting there, whether it is researching career opportunities, applying for a job vacancy, a full time college course or apprenticeship.

Careers Journey

Year Group


Gatsby Benchmark

Year 7

Click to view

  • IPad ASPIRE Portfolio Launch - each student will be part of our IPad launch where they will receive a digital portfolio to document their progress throughout each subject. 
  • PSHE
  • Careers Ambassadors Opportunity
  • Careers Assemblies

Year 8

Click to view

  • Opportunity to visit a higher education establishment
  • PSHE
  • Careers Ambassadors Opportunity
  • Careers Assemblies

Year 9

Click to view

  • Options Evening
  • Options Taster Sessions
  • Careers Ambassadors Opportunity
  • Tutor 1 to 1s to make sure right options are chosen to suit career path
  • Careers Assemblies

Year 10

Click to view

  • PSHE
  • Work Experience
  • Careers Evening - employers/alumni
  • Trip to higher education establishment
  • Connexions meetings if necessary
  • Careers Ambassadors Opportunity
  • Careers Assemblies

Year 11

Click to view

  • PSHE
  • Mock Interviews
  • Application drop in sessions
  • Connexions Meetings
  • Careers Ambassadors Opportunity
  • Careers Assemblies

Student Alumni

 Taylor Perry

Taylor left Kingswinford Academy and began his journey at the Wolves Academy.  He made his first team debut for Wolverhampton Wanderers on 25th September 2019 as a substitute in an EFL cup victory against Reading.  Taylor had been part of the club's pre season tour of China, where he played in the Premier League Asia Trophy Final against Manchester City and scored in Wolves' penalty shoot out victory!



Evvan Wooldridge

Evvan has been a keen golfer since the age of eight.  His goal was to study in America and eventually play as a professional.  He left Kingswinford Academy in 2018 to attend Birmingham Metropolitan College.  He is now studying at Oklahoma Wesleyan University in America. Here is Evvan in action with Sky Sports presenter Nick Dougherty, English professional golfer.





Year 7 Career Plan

Beginning the ASPIRE Journey

Our ASPIRE ethos within school means that we want all of our students to aspire to be the best version of themselves. At Kingswinford Academy we aim to support all students by focusing on building character. Our six measurable character virtues are respectful, responsible, resilient, creative, compassionate and courageous. 

Each student at Kingswinford Academy will have the opportunity to capture all of their achievements in one place. Using their school IPads, students can record their achievements as they go through their years at school. 

As soon as students arrive in Year 7, we want to know what they ASPIRE to be in the future and we will go that extra mile to ensure students have the chance to reach their dreams. 


Below you can see examples of our new ASPIRE portfolio in action, allowing students to  monitor and document their progress and aspirations.


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Year 8 Career Plan


During year 8 Kingswinford Academy students will be given the opportunity to experience an outstanding university. This will be offered to all year 8's, aiming to encourage more students to consider university opportunities. This is also one of our promises on our Kingswinford pledge. Hoping to inspire and expose our students to what the world has to offer to reach their dreams. Planting the seed to watch their aspirations grow.


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Year 9 Career Plan

Shaping Students Futures

Options Evening

We are proud to be able to offer a wide range of GCSE and BTEC subjects and here you will find a selection of videos for each subject in our KS4 curriculum, including the ‘Option Subjects’ from which your child can make up to four choices.

It is important that all students have a broad range of subjects that will equip them with the skills they need for life after they leave school. To ensure that they do this, our options process has been designed to create a balance between what we as educators know will help students, and the freedom to choose subjects they will enjoy and be enthusiastic about

During this process we will hopefully be conducting an options evening (more details to follow) where students will have the chance to speak to each member of staff regarding the subjects they are interested in.

Guidance when choosing options:

  • Start Profile – this is a free online service aimed at helping students to explore different career choices linked to subjects at school – you will need to use the link to register and explore the website after doing this: Start Profile
  • National Careers Service – this is a website that allows you to type in a career and discover lots of information and guidance linked to school subjects: See link: Careers advice - job profiles, information and resources | National Careers Service

Options Taster Sessions

Once options have been chosen by the students, they will then have the chance to experience each of their chosen non-compulsory subjects. This will allow them to speak with the teacher again and ensure they have made the right decision to achieve their goals and aspirations.

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Year 10 Career Plan

ASPIRE Everyday

Work Experience - 14th-18th July 2025

Students in Year 10 have the opportunity to gain work experience placements to enhance their employability skills and personal development.

This opportunity is vital to ensuring students make an informed choice about their future education and career path. Many of the academic institutes and employers who students will be applying for now make work experience a requirement for particular fields.

Each year local businesses and organisations kindly guarantee us some placements and we have a database of placements that our students have used in previous years available. We advise our students to contact prospective placements by phone or by letter. However many organisations do ask for a formal letter requesting a placement.

Work Experience Information

Any Questions…

Mr Dimmock OR

Higher Education Visit

As a school we are devoted to ensuring that each and every one of our students receives exposure to the different possibilities available to them. A trip to local higher establishments will be available to year 10's to give them the opportunity to explore and experience what could be their reality within the next couple of years.

Connexions Meetings

Connexions is a support service for young people aged 13- 19 (up to 25 years old for young people with learning difficulties and/or disabilities). The service is designed to meet the needs of individual young people, helping them to reach their full potential and make a successful transition into adult life.

The highly qualified, experienced Personal Advisers can support pupils to make positive choices about their futures and help them overcome barriers to progression. The Personal Advisers have detailed local knowledge of post 16 provision including 6th forms, training providers, apprenticeships, college and employment opportunities. Connexions also offers free, independent, impartial, information, advice and guidance and practical help on a range of issues including education, employment, work-based learning, housing, health, transport, free time and money matters.

Connexions Dudley has a website with a vast array of careers related information which can be accessed here.

If you require an appointment please speak to Mr Dimmock or Mrs Woodhouse.

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Year 11 Career Plan

ASPIRE Final Steps

Mock Interviews

Students in year 11 will have the opportunity to take part in mock interviews to prepare for future interviews for college/university and jobs. Interviews provide an opportunity for both potential employer and employee to decide if the individual's skills and character align with the firm's needs and culture.

How to answer difficult questions such as:

       - Why you?

       - What could you bring to the company?

        - What are your greatest strengths?

Kingswinford students are extraordinary and we want to ensure this is displayed at interview.

Careers Evening

We currently have Careers Evening scheduled for the 11th October 2023 5.00pm-7.30pm. This will give students the opportunity to speak with:

- Local colleges and sixth forms

- Local Employers

- Previous Alumni

For any more information on this evening please contact

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Testimonials from our Year 11 students after a trip to University...