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Aim to Achieve
Kingswinford Academy will aim to instil a strong, positive approach to mental health and wellbeing throughout our community of students, staff and parents / carers. We are committed to prioritising mental health and wellbeing through providing outstanding pastoral care, embedding a proactive approach throughout the school and through open and honest communication. We are committed to raising the awareness of mental health and wellbeing and in doing so helping to reduce stigma and discrimination.
Moral Purpose
We want to enable all members of our community to thrive as we recognise that poor mental health and wellbeing will affect our community reaching their Academic and Personal potential. We aim to create a culture of positive mental health and wellbeing across the community, where staff and students feel comfortable and confident to talk about their mental health and support is readily available for all students and staff.
This work will link with our PHSE and RSE curriculum intent, with the aim to generate healthy discussion amongst our students about risk factors that could impact on their mental health and how to seek support if they need it, in order to lead a healthy lifestyle. This will be supported through quality first teaching, and targeted support where needed (Curriculum intent and Attendance intent). In having a coordinated and strategic approach, we can ensure that we are not merely responding to issues but being proactive.
What is Mental Health?
It is a state of wellbeing in which every individual realises his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully and is able to make a contribution to his or her community” - World Health Organisation.
The World Health Organisation states that wellbeing is “a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”
Is there a difference between mental health and wellbeing?
Mental health relates to the social and emotional wellbeing of an individual. Wellbeing is a blanket term for having good mental and physical health. When we reference wellbeing, we talk about the overall health of an individual. Having good overall wellbeing is associated with having good mental health.
Why is Mental Health and Wellbeing Important?
Young people’s good mental health is as important as their good physical health if they are to develop into independent and confident adults. Good mental health is an essential part of healthy adolescent development; it helps young people build positive social, emotional, thinking and communication skills and behaviours. It also lays the foundation for better mental health and wellbeing later in life. Good wellbeing is important as it can help individuals feel and express a range of emotions, have confidence and positive self-esteem, have good relationships with others and cope with stress and adapt when situations change. Possessing good wellbeing does not mean that individuals will also be happy. It is normal to feel sad, angry and low sometimes.
Research informs us:
Source: Mental Health Statistics UK | Young People | YoungMinds
What Inclusion and Effective Mental Health Interventions Mean to Us?
● Providing visible leadership for mental and emotional health and wellbeing that is embedded in the academy’s strategic priorities and policies.
● Embedding and promoting a positive ethos, an inclusive and tolerant culture and a sense of belonging for all members of the school community.
● Focus on developing staff skills through a programme of optional CPL and ways for staff to manage their own wellbeing. We have a dedicated area online where staff can access resources and research regarding supporting young people and their mental health. These resources further enhance practice and professional development.
● All staff are aware of processes and procedures for support and referral when there are concerns about a child’s mental health and/or wellbeing.
● An awareness of risk factors, protective factors and adverse childhood experiences and how they can impact on a child’s mental health and wellbeing.
● Educating all members of the school community on matters associated with mental health and wellbeing.
● Embedding of all national mental health events during the school year, increasing mental health and
wellbeing through awareness, education, and stigma reduction.
● Embedding mental health and wellbeing activities and initiatives both inside and outside of the
classroom environment to ensure that action is proactive and not reactive.
● Working in collaboration with others e.g., other schools, the community, external agencies.
● Listening to the child’s voice and ensuring their voice is heard at all levels.
● Having guidance to support children’s mental health and wellbeing in the process of transition.
● Early intervention and help, which is specific to each individual child, ensuring their needs are met effectively.
●Involvement and engagement with parents and making modifications to support parents’ mental
health and wellbeing.
● Providing opportunities for parents/carers to engage and support mental health and wellbeing, inclusive of running events which involve parents / carers.
● Providing all members within the school community with information, signposting to external support,
which will be useful around emotional wellbeing and mental health.
● Evaluating the impact of intervention and the progress an individual child is making.
● Sharing knowledge of assessment tools, intervention and progress with other staff and parents / carers (where appropriate).
Yearly Audit is initiated for Mental Health and Wellbeing whole school. This includes capturing student/staff/parent and carer voice through the school year.
Strengths in our Current System
● Our Student Support Centre provides a safe space for students to go when they are struggling with their mental health. There is a comprehensive and tailored programme of support.
● Kingswinford has strong links with agencies who work with our most vulnerable students
● There is a referral system where staff can raise their concerns for students regarding their mental health and wellbeing.
● CPOMS is used to record and safeguard our students, with categories to report mental health concerns and also to report causes for concern related to emotional wellbeing.
● We provide our LGBTQ+ community with a support group where they meet once a week with our
school LGBTQ+ Staff Ambassador to discuss any issues or concerns they have.
● ASPIRE days provide other opportunities for students to discuss and learn about different aspects of mental health and wellbeing.
● Kingswinford raises awareness of mental health and wellbeing on World Mental Health Awareness Day and Mental Health Awareness Week through assemblies and tutor activities to highlight issues and
encourage students to take part in activities that promote positive mental health and wellbeing. We regularly welcome visits from eternal agencies and we deliver termly assemblies to all students on mental health and wellbeing.
● There is an ‘open door’ policy among middle and senior leaders to allow staff and students to access support when needed.
● We work in collaboration with Faculty Directors to identify and highlight links in schemes of work relating to mental health and wellbeing which enables further discussions and student learning in specific subject areas,. We continue to destigmatise mental health through providing rich opportunities to learn about mental health.
● We use surveys such as Pass, SDQ and Boxall profiles to triage support needed for all students.
● There are various displays and information located around the school and on House Google Classrooms/websites/social media regarding positive mental health, mental health literacy and where to go for help and support.
● Parent/Carer Engagement. A number of forums and workshops are offered half termly.
Throughout the year we take part in key awareness dates which help to raise awareness of mental health, and the problems faced by those living with mental illness (dates can change). Mental health awareness days provide a good opportunity for Kingswinford Academy to promote positive mental health behaviours in students and staff. We deliver a range of assemblies, activities and information to help support students, raise awareness and reduce stigma.
October: World Mental Health Day (10th):
Each year, World Mental Health Day is observed to raise awareness around mental health issues worldwide and mobilise efforts in support of mental health.
October: OCD Awareness Week (Dates can change):
The OCD Awareness Week is an annual event that aims to spread awareness and understanding about Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder.
November: National Stress Awareness Day:
The first Wednesday in November is National Stress Awareness Day. This is an opportunity to think about the effects of stress, physically and mentally, as well as how individuals can manage feelings of stress.
February: Time to Talk Day (Date can change):
Time to Talk Day is the nation’s biggest mental health conversation. Happening every year, it’s a day for friends, families, communities, and workplaces to come together to talk, listen and change lives
February: Children’s Mental Health Week (Dates can change) :
Place2Be launched the first ever Children’s Mental Health Week in 2015 to shine a spotlight on the importance of children and young people’s mental health. Each year, a different theme is explored.
February: Eating Disorders Awareness Week (Dates can change):
EDAW is a national, annual campaign that aims to educate people on the realities of eating disorders. This week aims to challenge myths and misunderstanding around eating disorders.
March: World Bipolar Day (30th):
World Bipolar Day is celebrated globally every year on March 30. It aims to bring awareness about Bipolar Disorder. March 30th was chosen as the date for World Bipolar Day because it’s Vincent van Gogh’s birthday. The famous painter is believed to have had Bipolar Disorder.
April: Stress Awareness Month:
Stress Awareness Month has been held every April since 1992 to increase public awareness about both the causes and cures for our modern stress epidemic.
May: Mental Health Awareness Week (dates can change):
Mental Health Awareness Week is an annual event where there is an opportunity for the whole of the UK to focus on achieving good mental health. The Mental Health Foundation created the event 22 years ago. Each year, the Mental Health Foundation continues to set the theme, organise and host the week. The event has grown to become one of the biggest awareness weeks across the UK and globally. Mental Health Awareness Week is open to everyone. It is all about starting conversations about mental health and the things in our daily lives that can affect it. Every year – individuals, communities, and governments think about the theme for the week and how it relates to their daily lives and work. It's also a chance to talk about any aspect of mental health that people want to – regardless of the theme.
May: Thank a Teacher Day (Date can change):
National Thank A Teacher Day is an annual celebration of our schools, colleges, teachers and support staff across the country.
June: Pride Month (1st -30th) :
Pride Month is a significant event that commemorates the LGBTQ+ community's struggle for recognition and acceptance worldwide.
July: National Schizophrenia Awareness Day (25th):
National Schizophrenia Awareness Day is there to raise awareness on the challenges faced by hundreds of thousands of people living with a diagnosis of Schizophrenia in the UK and millions more worldwide.
Levels of Support at Kingswinford:
Universal Support: To meet the needs of all of our students through our ethos, school values, PSHE provision and the wider curriculum. We ensure that mental health and wellbeing is championed, promoted and valued.
Additional Support: For those students who may have short term needs and those who may be vulnerable. This support is low level intervention. Our Student Support Centre (SSC) is central to this layer of support. The Pastoral Team can make internal student referrals to a number of tailored interventions. Referrals are triaged by the Mental Health and Wellbeing Lead and are discussed with parents/carers and the child. Such interventions range from 1.1 mentoring sessions, social time provision, daily and weekly check in conversations and a wide range of workshops, including but not limited to: Anger Management, Bereavement Nurture, Positive Thinking, Social Skills, Self Esteem, and Respect and Acceptance. We are hoping to extend our provision, and offer further interventions, with a focus on Challenging Negative Thoughts and Low Moods, Healthy Relationships and LGBTQ+/Gender Identity, just to mention a few. We are hoping to link with external agencies to further develop our provision. We also have a number of teachers who are trained as Wellbeing Associates who support and mentor specific students, tailoring support to their needs. In addition to this, our Student Support Centre offers a therapeutic setting with appropriate trauma informed models of therapy intervention.
Targeted Support: For students who need more differentiated support and specific targeted interventions, such as referrals to wider professionals/external agencies. Again, referrals by the Pastoral Team are triaged by the Mental Health and Wellbeing Lead and are discussed with parents/carers and the child. We have positive collaborative working relationships with a wide variety of agencies, including, but not limited to: Barnardo's, Hear4YOUth, Positive Steps, The WHAT Centre, Reflexions and the Phase Trust.
Supporting parent/carers:
We recognise that family plays a key role in influencing children and young people's emotional health and wellbeing; we will work in partnership with parents and carers to promote emotional health and wellbeing by:
If a child chooses to disclose concerns about themselves, the response needs to be calm and non-judgemental. Here is some advice:
Student Wellbeing Ambassadors/Peer Educators.
Peer-based initiatives can be useful for children and young people to access early intervention with their mental health. We deliver The Peer Education Project offered by the Mental Health Foundation. The Peer Education Project is a secondary school-based educational programme that aims to give young people the skills and knowledge they need to safeguard their mental health and that of their peers. Peer Educators deliver the mental health lessons to younger pupils, known as Peer Learners, using detailed lesson plans and PowerPoint slides. We have a cohort of Year 10 students who have been trained as Peer Educators. They deliver an after-school Enrichment Club for Peer Learners (KS3 students) once a week, after school.
Our Student Wellbeing Ambassadors / Peer Educators have made a pledge to:
Mental health Foundation How to Guides
How to look after your mental health using mindfulness
How to overcome fear and anxiety
Watch these videos from a diverse range of organisations to obtain help and advice on all sorts of topics relating to mental health and wellbeing. Please take a look - the content is very informative. Please note that some of these videos contain very sensitive subject matter.
Mental Health & Wellbeing Signposting
A collection of links which provide guidance and support for parents/carers and/or young people. All websites listed have access to parent/carer/young people information guides, activities and a wide range of valuable and interactive resources. Please explore these links; they offer valuable support and material. You are not alone.
Wysa is a clinically safe mental health support app that helps users build emotional resilience skills and offers immediate support at any time of day or night. Talking toWysa can help young people navigate difficult emotions and give them the confidence toreach out for help when they are ready. Please note Wysa is NOT a real person (AI).
Wysa gives teenagers someone outside of their circle to talk to, any time, any place. Wysa helps with: anxiety, stress, loneliness, self-confidence, relationship troubles and more. The AI chatbot is available 24/7 and there are over 100 self-help exercises for
young people to explore. Students can use this by accessing the document posted on Student House Classrooms.
Advice and Guidance: Local Support
Active Black Country works collaboratively with a range of local partners to inspire and enable people to lead an active lifestyle and to care for their wellbeing, creating a broad and diverse range of opportunities.
Black Country Womens Aid supports survivors of abuse and exploitation.
Dudley Education & Child Psychology Service aims to enhance learning, development and emotional wellbeing of children and young people in the borough.
Dudley Mind aims to improve, promote and enhance a better quality of life for people living across the Black Country affected by poor mental health.
Dudley Safeguarding People Partnership advice for parents, carers or those working with children.
Dudley Virtual School provide resources to help support children and young people and those who support them at this very challenging time.
Happier Minds is a mental wellbeing website providing links to information and support designed especially for young people, parents / carers and school based staff in Dudley. Happier Minds can help you find the mental wellbeing information you need. It also provides information on how to get help urgently for people in crisis.
Let's Get Healthy Dudley aims to support you to make healthy lifestyle changes.
Phase Trust believes that every child and young person has value, whether they know it or not.
Reflexions (the Mental Health Support Team), works with local schools, providing low level Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) intervention. The Reflexions Team
Reach Out Dudley A local campaign in Dudley to encourage people to talk about suicide and raise awareness of support services available to them.
Rethink - Black Country Emotional Support Helpline: A freephone service for those in need of support, reassurance and understanding. This telephone based service is open 365 days and no referral is required. Anyone experiencing emotional distress, Carers, friends or family who require support about someone they know: 0808 802 288 /
Safe and Sound Dudley's community safety partnership.
The WHAT Centre Dudley provides holistic mental health and wellbeing support to all young people in the Borough.
West Midlands Violence Reduction Unit aims to keep people safe and free of violence in their lives.
Advice & Guidance : National Support
Place2Be is one of the UK’s leading children's mental health charities. There is a wealth of information for parents/carers and young people to access, including information guides, resources and podcasts.
Beat provides support and information about eating disorders.
Childline one of UK’s leading support agencies for children.
Edward's Trust supports children and families facing loss and surviving bereavement.
FRANK provides support and advice on drugs and alcohol.
Kooth provides a safe and secure means of accessing mental health and wellbeing support designed specifically for young people. This is an online service.
Me and My Mind supports young people struggling with unusual experience such as hearing voices.
Mind provide advice and support to empower anyone experiencing a mental health problem. They campaign to improve services, raise awareness and promote understanding.
NHS provide mental health and wellbeing advice and guidance.
Nip In The Bud Learning bout Children's Mental Health through film. The short films ad accompanying fact sheet haver been prepared to help parents and children who may have a diagnosis, may be showing symptoms of a potential mental health condition or may be struggling as a result of the Covid 19 pandemic.
No Panic is a charity offering support to people who suffer with panic attacks and who are living with obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD).
NSPCC National Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Children – this website contains a wealth of advice and resources.
Papyrus Confidential support for those at risk of suicide and others who are concerned about them.
Refuge provides help and support to young people affected by domestic violence.
Samaritans is a charity open 24/7 for anyone who needs to talk.
Shout 85258 is a free confidential, 24/7 text support service.
Stonewall Information and support for all young lesbian, gay, bi and trans people. This website contains a wealth of information.
The Anna Freud National Centre is a children’s mental health charity providing advice, support for young people and their families.
The Children's Society is a national charity working to transform the hopes and happiness of young people facing abuse, neglect and exploitation.
The Mix Essential support for under 25s.
Winston's Wish supports children and young people after the death of a parent or sibling.
Young Minds is one of the UK's leading charities for children and young people's mental health.
Advice and Guidance: Local and National Support:
CEOP Child Exploitation and Online Protection.
NSPCC Online safety advice.
NSPCC Online parental controls.
INEQE A safeguarding hub with lots of training resources and videos about staying safe online.
Izone Dudley website providing support.
Safe and Sound Stay safe on social media, advice from Dudley’s community safety partnership.
Childnet works directly with children and young people from the ages of 3-18, as well as parents and carers.
Kingswinford Academy Early Help Offer
Kingswinford Academy Mental Health and Wellbeing Policy
Apps and Websites
#1 App for Mindfulness and Meditation. (Available on iOS, Android & Web)
The relaxation app trains you on the “belly breathing” technique that has proven benefits for your overall mental health. (Available on iOS and Android)
An award winning free fully moderated app for teens, which provides peer support, expert help, inbuilt educational and creative resources as well as in app links to UK charities and helplines. MeeTwo allows young people to experiment with what it feels like to open up without drawing attention to themselves while positive feedback and social support builds confidence, increases wellbeing and promotes emotional resilience. (Available on iOS and Android)
SAM is an application to help you understand and manage anxiety. (Available on iOS and Android)
When you log in it gives you different tips to help you relieve stress/anxiety. There are tabs for meditation, deep relaxation, self-hypnosis, and more. (Available on iOS and Android)
Anxious Minds is a charity that was set up by sufferers of anxiety and depression, to provide free support to all sufferers of anxiety and depression. (Available on Android)
WellMind is your free NHS mental health and wellbeing app designed to help you with stress, anxiety and depression. The app includes advice, tips and tools to improve your mental health and boost your wellbeing. (Available on iOS and Android)
Happy not perfect
Backed by science, designed for you, Happy Not Perfect is your go-to place for everything you need to look after your mind in a fun new way. (Available on iOS and Android)
Calm Harm provides tasks that help you resist or manage the urge to self-harm. You can add your own tasks too and it’s completely private and password protected. (Available on iOS and Android)
A prescribed evidence-based app to help young people manage their emotions and to reduce urges to self-harm. It includes a mood diary, toolbox of evidence-based techniques to reduce distress and automatic routing to emergency numbers if urges to harm continue. (Available on iOS and Android)
Suicide Thoughts
A free, national suicide prevention pocket resource, packed full of useful info to help you stay safe. It offers help and support both to people with thoughts of suicide and to those concerned about someone. (Available on iOS and Android)
Eating Disorders
Recovery Record: RE Eating Disorder Management
This draws on CBT and self-monitoring methods to help manage eating disorders. Users can keep a food journal, make meal plans, and learn coping methods. (Available on iOS and Android)
Rise Up – Eating disorder recovery
Rise Up + Recover is an app for people struggling with food, dieting, exercise and body image. The app is based upon self-monitoring homework, a cornerstone of CBT. (Available on iOS and Android)
Created by a group of bereaved young people working directly with Child Bereavement UK. It has been developed for 11-25 year olds who have been bereaved of someone important to them. It can also be used by friends, teachers, parents and professionals who would like to know how to support bereaved young people. (Available on iOS and Android)
Relax Melodies
Combining over 100 relaxation sounds, melodies, binaural beats and white noise, Relax Melodies allows you to create your very own relaxing soundscapes. Play them all night or for a determined period of time, thanks to its built-in timer. (Available on iOS and Android)
Mental Health and Wellbeing Reads:
Uplifting and Inspiring Fiction Novels. We have some of these titles in school.
1. How to Look for a Lost Dog - Ann M. Martin
2. When the Sky Falls – Phil Earle
3. The Gifted, The Talented and Me – William Sutcliffe
4. Jessica’s Ghost – Andrew Norriss
5. A Kind of Spark – Elle McNicoll
6. Swimming to the Moon – Jane Elson
7. Unstoppable – Dan Freedman
8. Boy Underwater – Adam Baron
9. Truly Wildly Deeply – Jenny McLachlan
10. The Boy at the Back of the Class – Onjali Rauf
11. The Night Bus Hero – Onjali Rauf
12. Talking to Alaska – Anna Woltz
13. The Boy Who Made Everyone Laugh – Helen Rutter
14. Can You See Me? – Libby Scott and Rebecca Westcott
15. Artichoke Hearts – Sita Brahmachari
16. The Girl Who Stole an Elephant – Nizrana Farook
17. You are Awesome – Matthew Syed
18. The Midnight Library – Matt Haig (KS4 Only)
19. The Curious Incident of the Dog at Night-Time – Mark Haddon (KS4 Only)
Self Help Books:
Self Help Books help us to create the best life possible.
1. The Art of Being a Brilliant Teenager – Dr Andy Cope
2. Positively Teenage: A Positively Brilliant Guide to Teenage Wellbeing – Nicola Morgan
3. A Teenage Guide to Stress – Nicola Morgan
4. Know your Brain – Nicola Morgan
5. Self Esteem Workbook for Teens – Lisa Schab
6. Anxiety Workbook for Teens – Lisa Schab
7. The Worry WorkBook for Teens – Lisa Schab
8. Beyond the Blues – Lisa Schab
9. Think Confident, Be Confident for Teens – Marci Fox and Leslie Sokol
10. The Anger Workbook for Teens – Raychelle Lohmann
11. The Shyness and Social Anxiety Workbook for Teens – Jennifer Shannon
12. Mindfulness for Teen Anxiety – Christopher Willard
13. The Self Compassion Workbook for Teens, Mindfulness and Compassion Skills to overcome Self Criticism and embrace who you are – Karen Bluth
2022-2023 Mental Health and Wellbeing Newsletters
Click here for the October newsletter
Click here for the December newsletter
Click here for the February newsletter
2021-2022 Mental Health and Wellbeing Newsletters
Click here for the July newsletter
Click here for the May newsletter