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Each year group in Key Stage 3 and 4 is assigned a form tutor who they will register with each morning from 8.45am to 9.15am. The form tutor should be a student's first port of call for any pastoral issues. Generally, tutors stay with their tutor groups as they progress through the school.
The form groups are arranged into Houses. There are four Houses with a Head of House who has pastoral responsibility for all students across the five years within the House. Heads of House are supported by the heads of each Key Stage - Mr Parsons (Key Stage 3) and Mr Hanson (Key Stage 4).
The Heads of House are:
The pastoral team is led by Deputy Headteacher, Mrs E Dodds.
Our Houses form a community of students and staff who share our school Ethos and pride in their House. They espouse the values of their House Hero and engage in friendly competition with the other houses to win the annual house cup.
Our House names link to the school's heritage as a Specialist Science College. They are drawn from the first four noble gases on the periodic table: Helium, Neon, Argon and Krypton. They are each represented by a colour that is emblazoned on each student's tie. The colours are representative of the colour each noble gas emits when an electric current is passed through it: Yellow for Helium, Red for Neon, Blue for Argon and Green for Krypton.
Our House Heros are local historic figures who exemplify our school and trust ethos and have shown themselves to have been truly extraordinary. They are role models for our students to Aspire to form the basis of each house's unique character.
You can find out more about each of the houses below.