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Kingswinford Academy, Water Street, Dudley, West Midlands, DY6 7AD
Part of Windsor Academy Trust
kingswinford academy exam and gcse results

Exam Results

Kingswinford Academy Results


This table contains the school's historic exam data. 2020 and 2021 results are not included as exams were cancelled in those years, due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The Progress 8 score of 0.23 achieved in 2023 means the school is deemed to be significantly above average performance.

Measure 2019 2022 2023
P8 score 0.08 0.3 0.23
A8 score 49.4 51.2 47.3
% of students 5+ in English and Maths 53% 55% 43%
% of students 4+ in English and Maths 73% 72% 63%
% of students entering Ebacc 53% 21% 18%
% of students that go on to further education 97% 99% 98%

Progress 8

All secondary schools are judged on the amount of progress that their students make. This is known as the 'Progress 8' measure. This is the main headline measure by which schools are ranked and is published in the secondary school performance tables.

What does Progress 8 measure?

Progress 8 calculates how much progress students make between their results in Year 6 and their results in Year 11 (GCSEs). It is a 'value-added' measure, meaning students' results are compared to the achievements of other pupils across the country with similar year 6 results. A school's Progress 8 score is an average of all students' individual scores. It shows whether, as a group, students in the school made above or below average progress compared to similar students in other schools. A value of 0 is the national average and therefore a figure above 0 is above average. A negative value would be below the national average.


The Progress 8 score at Kingswinford Academy for 2023 was above average. The full results can be found on the government’s website found here: Kingswinford Academy


Attainment 8

Attainment 8 is a measure of a student’s average grade across a set suite of eight subjects. Our average Attainment 8 grade is 4.73, this is above the national score of 4.62